Birds and Nature, Vol. 12 No. 1 [June 1902] (Various).

"Birds and Nature, Vol. 12 No. 1 [June 1902]" - это журнал, посвященный изучению птиц и природы в целом. Выпуск относится к июню 1902 года. В нем содержатся статьи, рассказы, фотографии и иллюстрации, посвященные различным видам птиц и их поведению, а также природным явлениям и ландшафтам. Кроме того, в журнале можно найти информацию о новинках в области научных исследований в сфере зоологии и ботаники. "Birds and Nature" - это ценный источник информации для любителей природы и профессионалов, занимающихся ее изучением.

John Harrison McDowell, Gentleman [?-1871], Interior of Senator John Percival's House in California, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Williams in Front Doorway, Picture of Senator John Pefcyval in Congressional Robe.

Various. [191-?] Periodical. Quarterly; Winterly Applies Monthly or Supplements upon Holidays Interest. Birds & Nature Serries. (Vol. XII No. l [June, 19°) Description Hensby Lippincott, Philadelphia (Pa.) : John T. Fisher & Co., Publishers. Chronological statement Current contents Marketing information.

Publisher says "The editors, contributors, and publisher for the birds series pursue the same high objects as in the animal kingdom series, namely, to furnish the ornithologist with an extended and competent resource in connection with the present status of knowledge in his science, its foundations, progress, relation to others, and its results, together with collections from the world literature relating to all legs or the laws of heredity in our species, the obscure and inconspicuous birds of the United States and our neighbors to North and South America, and the usual topics of classification, systematic grouping, advances and methods of exploration."

Each issue carries a title page, often concludes with a bibliography and an index printed in roman script. The paper is a light-yellowish-gray, half-moose, approximately 5 x 7 inches, fourteen lines to the page, used in strip form, reformatted and clipped for binding. There are dark covers, printed mostly in black. Individual mastheads are affixed to titles, sometimes in color, which are separately punched through two Parallelfold foldways pasted to reinforce collation and preserve each side of the papers. Folded folios center on perforated creases. Usually about 350 pages in each issue. Some sheets are stiff white. Series number, month, year of publication and place of publication running together at bottom center.

Variously, clippings, clipping strips, wide tabs (4\*), crayon, pencil, colored pencils; macroporphous (3mm), talc topped sponge, zigzags; indistinctly printed sans acknowledgement. Printers mark: Harrison, English.


#зарубежная образовательная литература

#природа и животные


Birds and Nature, Vol. 12 No. 1 [June 1902] (Various).

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