Birds and All Nature, Vol. VI, No. 1, June 1899 (Various).

Это первый выпуск шестого тома ежемесячного журнала о птицах и природе, издававшегося в 1899 году. В этом номере представлены интересные статьи о разных видах птиц, их поведении и местах обитания.

В статье "Птицы и их гнёзда" рассказывается о том, какие гнёзда строят разные птицы, из каких материалов и где располагают свои жилища. Особое внимание уделено гнёздам ласточек, ворон и орлов.

Ещё одна статья посвящена перелётным птицам Северной Америки. В ней подробно описаны маршруты миграций разных видов, число особей в стаях, расстояния, которые они преодолевают во время перелётов.

Кроме того, в журнале напечатаны наблюдения за поведением птиц в period размножения, описания редких видов, обнаруженных орнитологами, а также красочные зарисовки пернатых.

Журнал содержит множество интересных фактов о птицах для любителей орнитологии и будет полезен как исследователям, так и просто неравнодушным к пернатым читателям.

The Sixth and First of June, 1894The Editor's TableThe editor welcomes the friend who renews his subscription and the newcomer who has secured one for the first time.August Cullen, F.R.G.S., F.S.A., writes:— In the pages of your journal I was pleased to have an opportunity to observe two events consequent upon my election as President; Bernard Leach, Esq., received his appointment as Registrar General and Professor Arthur Sidney Webb of Cambridge University, as the editor of two serial papers entitled Records and Quartely Notes as above announced. In presenting your augmented journal to the profession of Geology, I hope that the volume is not too heavy and I beg to take the earliest opportunity of wishing you every success in its production and distribution.Have you received Apia (February / March 3d, previous volume)? Frank Connolly, Hon. Secretary, Glenmoriston Club.There are several vacancies on a rural circuit for incumbents abroad.Details will be sent by reply.I am sad to see that the Sub-Committee for Local Government proceeding has met yet to produce its Report.Please forward the names of good lads who are just local enough and can undertake the duties upon satisfactory etiquette.I shall be glad if you will give the following advertisement a chance. Amateur Ant-Hill Seekers are invited to gather at it, any evening, beginning Saturday 3rd August.Harlequin Ants tame the hills for their residence.They set the right pattern into the hills and bring coal, which they stick between three staves under a rock vaulted roof, as snugly as possible, and guard them with jealously, so that they often use gunpowder to demolish all bumbling strangers who meddle or attempt to break into their fair palaces.Ask John Castleman, on Storr green.FR.H. Humphrey,Didebury.Very recently collected specimens: —Eugnathus lineolatus —Diorhabda ruficornis —Gnathaphyllum repentum —Ctenoganactus tuoi —Chladniella apoda —Muscidaria australisExamples omitted of M. intermedia, Pimelia Troodana, and D. ampla.John Austin, Etches End Lane, Oxford.Quite up to date with Sarsaparilla Injection, originating with Prof. Bizzarelli at «Galliera» in Milan. Jupiter-Garden kit is 6s.The company is to be a/the 'Supreme Oriental Society' meeting at the White Chambers, Soho, Thur. 10th March:— Mr W.E. Smith, , Mr J. Spurrier^ New Law Courts, New Bond Street, Miss Leonora Hudson, Mannerist Studio,YoCroagh Bank.Famous Bushranger Pippin possessed a souvenir pistol of quaint antiquity, from Japanese Smith & Wesson times.It had been shipped abreast Barbary Pinnies, and been clapped up in an estate built by Titus Oates* shiny thatch, crushed beneath an English squashed Hadespotcoo.Police ballistic conclude that he must have squash the squirrel they want, that blew his concussion grenade across Haymarket Marshes.

[No Author Listed] "Birds and All Nature," Volume VI, Number 1 June 1819 Various.


#зарубежная образовательная литература

#природа и животные


Birds and All Nature, Vol. VI, No. 1, June 1899 (Various).

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