Treasure of the tower (V. Speys).

Книга "Treasure of the Tower", автор V. Spey, рассказывает историю о том, как герои обнаружили спрятанные золотые сокровища. События, описанные в книге, являются вымышленными, и совпадения исторических фактов носят случайный характер и не несут ответственности за достоверность фактов, изложенных в книге. О совпадениях говорят совпадения.

Book of V.Speys "Treasure of the Tower".

The novel describes an event occurred on the Island of Phoenix. Fletcher Leeming, a young wealthy person had invested a lot of their money on creating tourists' amusement park. When the builder was almost finished with the construction of a real Ferris wheel, the evil magician Valdis created the illusion that the tendrils of barbed wire falling down from it, then the desired treasure appeared among the wreckage. No one could think at first that those supposedly gold coins were just worthless iron ingots. Nobody but Fletcher found out what in reality. He shortly raced through the jungle to the giantny curse of valdisov — Dragon’s cliff. After establishing this Cliffcounting, Fletcher decided to tackle this task alone, but within the cave was the inclusion legend — the thing using which valdis would escape captivity. So, along with it Fletcher retreated away from the island, learned ancient magic witch is the most devastating. This story is about the heroine of the past El Ennati, who returned to life speaks of that god who was going to be changed into stone once more for centuries. On his way he came to know the course of El. Perhaps after those storieswe will know the outcome of these exciting adventures Fletchera Let.

The novel tells about the discovery of a huge amount of gold in a tower, which was hidden long ago. All participants of the adventure, adventurers and outlaws, became rich. But even under the guise of their indulgence they continued to fight for more and more unworthy decisions.


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#книги о приключениях

Treasure of the tower (V. Speys).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Treasure of the tower
  • Автор: V. Speys
  • Категория: Научная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005343086