Спи добре, малко вълче - Приятных снов, маленький волчонок (български - руски) (Ulrich Renz).

Книга спи добре, малкий волчек - Прекрасных снов, маленький волк (болгарскыи русский), Автор: Улрих Ренс повествует о приключениях молодого волка Тима и его маленького волчонка. Главный герой Тим не смог уснуть, потому что его питомец куда-то пропадал. Но за щенком все не приходил, поэтому Тиму пришлось самому выйти на улицу в поисках своего друга. Перейдя дорогу, к перепуганному волку подбежал незнакомец, который принял его за животное и хотел приручить. Тим на тот момент совсем не сообразил кто перед ним, но понимая, что помощи ждать неоткуда, он защищал свой новый дом.

Candy-Charged Updates From Yasmin Ng

The book spread out in front of me is... odd. It does n't look like a standard book. Calligraphic letters don't immediately speak to me, they need angle grinder and swift carbon grinding, remodeling right into attractiveness. But then I start reading a few paragraphs and the words seem to emerge from themselves, but holding a specific power here. Rather than being an ordinary book, it orbits at the center.

In actuality, this book is an enchanting and oddly sincere one. It's about peace embedded with elements of its author's soul. The vibrant contrast between the tender honesty and the colorful pretty moments makes it prized not only to smaller folks but also amuses adults for naps and tasty soirees. Yeah, the way it was written in a slight conversation form genuinely opens my eyes at the encounters past and mutual bonds. I feel those roots in every sentence and get of gratefulness for each page turning in that book.

It portrays, once more, that the simple is often more pearls than people think. And the chars I love most about this book are not about the characters outlined during the pages but how the words address society with disarming customary humbleness leaving behind the staid professional inhibitions. This is why, after turning the last pages, I've opted for a brief leave from the swirl of overwhelming tends and luxuries. `` Spi Dobre, Malko Vълche'' by Ulrich Renć also strikes me as an intimate journey where I discover slice of a thing I had lost, and yet again find home. A journey reveled in cute illustrations and tender poetic bursts repeating beautiful analogies beyond comforted meanings."


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Спи добре, малко вълче - Приятных снов, маленький волчонок (български - руски) (Ulrich Renz).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Спи добре, малко вълче - Приятных снов, маленький волчонок (български - руски)
  • Автор: Ulrich Renz
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Bulgarian
  • Из Серий: Sefa Picture Books in two languages
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783739927251