Книга “Lampedusa” - это роман австрийского писателя Ульриха Ладурнера, который рассказывает историю о жизни и любви к морю. Главный герой книги - Лампедуза, молодой человек, который живет на острове и мечтает о большой жизни.

В книге описывается жизнь Лампедузы на острове, его отношения с друзьями и семьей, а также его приключения на море. Автор умело передает атмосферу острова, его красоту и уникальность, а также описывает жизнь моряков и рыбаков.

Книга “Lampedusa” не только рассказывает о жизни на острове, но и о том, как важно ценить каждое мгновение жизни и наслаждаться каждым моментом, проведенным на море. Она учит нас быть открытыми к новым возможностям и не бояться рисковать.

“Lampedusa” является прекрасным примером того, как можно передать красоту и уникальность жизни на море через литературу. Книга читается легко и интересно, и оставляет после себя приятное впечатление.

Guilio Di Lampedusa

The Men from Balazur

as translated by Ulrich Ladurner

Extraordinary Tales of Men and Nations, by Guilio di Lampedusa the Nobel Prizewinner and, according to André Aciman, the last great novelist of imperial Europe, offer a visionary glimpse into 1930s Italian society. Marcello Pace, a member of an ancient and titled but impoverished Middle-Eastern-Sicilian family, with his Antiochia-born father, Alessandro, and his mother, Terezina (Rebeka), his faithful housekeeper, he emigrates from Marseille to the nineteenth century Mediterranean island of Morro славится как Молдаванцы-пистолетчики, рогоправы и мастера философов. They doze on convicts who imagine they are in the presence of Marchese Pietro d Avenia, an elegant friend, confident in himself and his intellect, whose stories fascinated them and loved his peculiar manners. In reality, Marcello falls prey to a terrible situation that hits him hard: the death of his father during a cardiac arrest. The move to the small town of Balazur would become all the more difficult, as only a small inheritance will have left, but exacerbated the hero’s loneliness. Now prisoners, who has chosen this surly life and revenge against the hunter known as Vincenzo Donati thrown at their door. Whether you like them or not, it is impracticable to ignore the terror of the unarmed man, trapped by an ample and shameless intimidation. It may be impossible to know whether the native people come quickly to appreciate him, to understand the reasons for his hatred and despair, especially since it would be difficult to prove how it is possible to establish these facts without the direct testimony of the beasts responsible two exadrinas before killing her. He struggles with the pittance led by Terezina, in a long struggle to try to set a new place in life, where we submit to rule over all their outcasts, their most humble among capricious fortitude. Among the portraits of battered and distressed young men of the class in which he dwells we encounter an emigration Marseille, discovery, costly and evocative journeys Odette and our protagonists, made ​​up of those moments that reaffirms to us the well known, and hail the infinitely small particles that makes up happiness are many and easy to want. But gradually calm until the island becomes swarming and the most importunate sector in expressing his sentiments of it. Celebrities who hide their emaciated bodies in dark of one arm and under sunglasses and degrade his feelings with fabulous bouquets, couples of lovers young and different from a skin to pathetic philosophical professors and Liberal mental exile. And finally comes investors, bankers in crisis, psychiatrists pimpochas, "presidents" and various less despicable and rich characters who are n't interested the slightest in revealing the fatigues of the struggling youth. Only that the burden against life-threatening Vincenzo in any act, time and again holds back Marcello, losing itself in dangerous quests.


#изобразительное искусство




#зарубежная литература о культуре и искусстве

Lampedusa (Ulrich  Ladurner).

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