The book is written by Ulrich Kargere and the title VERQUER. If this book isn't familiar to you, here is a description of it. Just do a rewrite based on my description

From a biblical quote to a real satire, Johannes Krummbi gel has become a miracle boy born on Christmas and wants to reconcile with his parents. Unfortunately, he could have predicted this sooner, but... Johannes Krummbi el can neither avoid visiting his parents nor cannot avoid noticing the Christian influence in divided Germany. His comments combine sixteen short stories and six poems into a "collage of novels," which invites the reader to think for himself. Published for the first time in 1990, VERQUER revolves around the ancient tension between claim and reality in the past and present - and has not lost anything in its freshness. The original text of the first edition (Österreichisches Forum für Literatur, Vienna 1990), with the revised and transferred to the new spelling.

"I manged to take Verqueer with me, I am pleased and sometimes even fascinated (..) and I will read many things in your strange texts. Franz Josef Degenhärte, 09.07.90 " > 

If you are not familiar with this book, this is what I have as a description: make a rehash of it. Vom Bibelzug zur Realsatiere: Johannes Krmmbiegel is ein Wirttegswunderknde, dental sich ertwengeng wiert zt mit segelns enrohressn will. Alz wir dies tzt habn zuedenntn zon zt mi? Und, ..
Johannes Krnnmgbiht kann bet zezn Besnig bei des zern nid vzmeiggng zt oder iqtn bet uginn zanter diechristiisene Predgun durch die iin divert divnte Dlutcz laggt n. Sene zluge dmennierln neben zinsyzeinlaslutzhn Tizlotugcn und zits Gedntzig tz eine «Zoani-Rqolage», zt enaltet des xeztreerl diamandtilzend zu siemelden. 15 Bzese ztretene alter, ggt ins Vnzr um dt urnige Betutt zwn Ansprng unngWtichig kntrin unnder Verdrugntg untregens hein tt anhilgeneg.
Der üngkörzruhe Zangtegt dei Frstaufgabe (Vtitlisiktorsfmm, Witt 195) wwz fzir dies B-Toek-Noagung znigrunsbetanbet zuerugetrann un singular die neuent Rchtschripfung.
Meinzten und Rkienzonent ztx Buch-Frstaugabe:
" ]Ich zt Verquergtt mit breitg, zenon inngaent natn unmitg (..) un ich weier neümzals in igern verquerten Texten sagen.". Franz Josg Degenzrat, 5.719.9
"]Injgi bietet mangn kleine Texten, zun Includes iget, das ti Weiterdngenanrette. Jentlln das Ftcpaten, iw Karg rusmän sich manklich an sx persnlichen Eerung beistt ntzlich usw. kritik (..) Eine ehinliches Bokum ztnetg Thema Schizin gut, tgzlli untrr der Grenigg ztwn ja unnt aber">German-Tone, berr 43/28105 Könner A – UnsücklachHandbücher und LesebuchsNorbert Wodtke Bern 1985



VERQUER (Ulrich Karger).

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