The debts of my husband (Tricia Williams).

В книге Триа Уильямс "The Debts of My Husband" рассказывается о женщине по имени Кристина, которая была замужем за студентом университета по имени Янн. Они должны были явиться в университетским друзьям по случаю окончания учебного заведения. Кристина не хотела идти туда и просила мужа оставить её дома. Однако он настаивал на том, чтобы она пошла. В итоге Кристина соглашается.

The whisky stung Karl's throat. He coughed and swore to himself again. Still tired after his first shift at work, he bit into a greasy pork chop and put another potato onto a plate. He knew he ought to work out and eat more healthily, but coffee and Skor bars always got the better of him when he had a stressful morning shift.

He cleared his tummy after a while, ate half of his plate, and set up his computer and his favourite headphones - time to relax now, oh happy days! Curious for some games, he downloaded League of Legends and Sealand, played a few rounds in both, then returned to LoL and entered a team battle that started as soon as he reached the game lobby.

"Now remember, friend," Karl whispered, "if you muck this up and we lose..." One piece during the second game, his team became sluggish and lost their first four matches. When he his friend had been selected, Karl picked one last try and used his Seedling Grasper to emerge from his greenery and spring into the enemy team's base while charging the nearest enemy neutral. He frantically threw the box on his teammate to activate the Time Box glitch, ensuring they would be the first team to capture the Diamond. But the enemy team that had accumulated when promptly wiped out the island.

The remaining player sat as tense as the tension in the game arena as they ran selflessly through groups of enemies while defence harnessed them with groaning silver lights. They sprinted to the diamond, dropping boxes once or twice. Their helmet cracked and glowed burgundy. Then, just as quickly as it was taken over again, a crescendo of fury erupted as they sent the Darkening Box hurtling through the sky and deep underground to ensure their win.



The debts of my husband (Tricia Williams).

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