Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher - The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis (Unabridged) (Timothy Egan).

“Короткие ночи ловца теней: эпическая жизнь и бессмертные фотографии Эдварда Кертиса” Тима Игана - это захватывающая приключенческая история, которая одновременно является проницательным биографическим портретом. Книга рассказывает о замечательной истории, которую еще никто не рассказывал, за знаменитыми фотографиями Эдварда Кертиса, следуя за ним по всей Индии от пустыни до тропических лесов, пока он пытался запечатлеть истории и ритуалы более чем восьмидесяти племен. Даже при поддержке Теодора Рузвельта и Дж. П. Моргана, это потребовало огромных усилий. Занятие полностью изменило его, из отстраненного наблюдателя он превратился в возмущенного защитника. Он умер в Голливуде без гроша в кармане и безвестности всего через несколько лет после публикации последнего из его двадцати томов. Но обаятельный мошенник с начальным образованием выполнил свое обещание - его великое приключение увенчалось успехом, создав одно из самых поразительных культурных достижений Америки. На бонусном диске представлены фотографии Эдварда Кертиса.

Chris Walters's incredible tale of American brute force in The Shadow Catchers tells of a man who dedicated his life to capturing important moments, thoughts, and elements, of various ethnicities and nationalities on film and negatives. In an explicate journey through the time of opportunity, when these societies were first unraveled through famous scientists and filmmakers who took photographs of vigilant scenes. With the help of these stories, we can only discover a curly journey which illuminates the identity of our American forefathers through conflict, racism, colonialism, and even love stories and family ties. It is a growth experience like no other, like having the puzzle piece of your past found through tons of inspected pages covered in highsets dun clarification and written in a language we commonly could not understand. To reconstruct the whole american myth only fuses from these entrypoints, as they collectively unlock whole new tactics in deciding how humanity grows and thrives. The power embedded in Egan Timothy&x27;s exploration makes this book an informative history of such freshening castaways, making you feel shoulder the weight of an epic timelessness, sliding in the lives of native and once-conquered indians. Bonuses disk highlights the incredible Edward Curtis photography, so essential for fulling Egan Timothy book making.

This epic tale, retold by Anthony Egan, is both an uncanny novel and penetrating biography, depicting the remarkable life story of Edward Curtis, recounting his journeys through Indian country – from the wilderness to the rain forests – in the midst of challenging his conclusions on more than 80 tribes. Supported by Theodore Roosevelt, Pioneer Opera exhibition, and other types of artists and journalist, it was an overwhelming endeavor. Despite superhuman perseverance, he has overcome, changing into a passionate defender. He died penniless in Hollywood shortly after completing the publication of his final twenty volumes like an ignorant breeder. However, just as fortunate, he had given the correct offer – his heinous expedition achieved one of America's most striking cultural achievements in observations. Included in the bonus disc are stunning Edward Curtis photographs


#историческая литература

Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher - The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis (Unabridged) (Timothy Egan).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher - The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Timothy Egan
  • Категория: Историческая литература
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781611209709