Amerika mal anders - Schneehölle (Thomas Riegler).

"America the other way" by Thomas Riegler is a novel that explores the effects of climate change on the environment and the lives of people in the United States. The protagonist, a group of travelers, is caught in a snowstorm that forces them to take a long detour to reach their destination. They must navigate through two mountain passes, both of which are covered in snow. When they try to start their journey up the first pass, they are suddenly hit by a blizzard that quickly turns the roads into a sea of white.

The book focuses on the themes of climate change, environmental justice, and the role of government in addressing climate issues. It also explores the challenges faced by migrant communities who must deal with changing weather patterns and poor infrastructure in unsafe areas. "America the Other Way: The Snow Avalanche" is an insightful and thought-provoking novel that captures the urgent need for climate action and equality in our global community.

Главный герой книги обнаруживает, что неожиданное наступление зимы делает прямой путь из Рино через Скалистые Горы в Сан-Франциско невозможным, и они вынуждены отправиться в долгий 80-км крюк на юго-восток. И этот путь пролегает через два горных перевала. Когда они начинают подниматься на первый перевал начинается снегопад, хаос снега начинает строиться. Удастся ли им избежать снежной бури по названием «Снежный вихрь»?



Amerika mal anders - Schneehölle (Thomas Riegler).

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