Against Epistemology (Theodor W. Adorno).

Книга "Против эпистемологии" Теодора Адорно содержит критику фундаментализма, иллюзий идеализма и конец эпистемологии, которые с тех пор стали общими темами в современной философии. Автор также затрагивает ключевые идеи, развитие которых было продолжено в его более поздних работах, включая "Негативную диалектику". Книга основана на рукописи, которую Адорно написал в Оксфорде в 1934-37 годах во время своих первых лет в изгнании, а затем переработал во Франкфурте в 1955-56 годах. Текст был написан как критика феноменологии Гуссерля, но критика феноменологии используется как повод для гораздо более широкой критики эпистемологии. Адорно называл это "метакритикой", которая объединяет анализ феноменологии Гуссерля как самого продвинутого примера разложения буржуазного идеализма с внутренней критикой напряжений и противоречий, присутствующих в мышлении Гуссерля. Результатом является мощный текст, который остается одной из наиболее разрушительных критик работ Гуссерля, когда-либо написанных, и заложил многие идеи, которые стали общепринятыми в современной философии.

This classic work by Theodor Adorno anticipated many of the themes which have dominated contemporary philosophy since: the critique against foundationalism; the fallacies of idealism; and the inevitable failure of epistemological strategies.It also lays the groundwork for many of Adorno's later ideas, which became central to his most influential philosophical works; including The Hutchinson Dictionary of Philosophy. Adorno produced this text as a counter to Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology, whose work he believed to be symptomatic of the ultimate failure of bourgeois ideologies. Targeting the concept of consciousness, Husserl is shown here to perpetuate the notion of a distinct subject as fundamental to knowledge. Instead, Adorno sees consciousness as itself the effect of social relations rather than a self-referential phenomenon unaffected by material conditions. The essay was first completed while Adorno was at Oxford between 1926 and 1940, before being redrafted in Frankfurt from 1964 to 1974. It is considered one of Adorno’s most significant plays, laying the foundation for his extensive writing on negativity.Despite its age, Adorno' findings encourage ongoing reflection on the validity and utility of knowledge, showing us that critical thinking ought not to be solely reliant upon the authority of established scientists but should involve an increased number of reflexive participants who examine their work and position themselves in relation to it.Against Epistemology has been hailed by commentators as one of the highest achievements in contemporary philosophical criticism, and any intellectual who wants to understand Adorno' theoretical project to its fullest extent should read it at least once.

This classic book from Theodor W.Adorno anticipated many of the concepts which belong to contemporary philosophy such as the criticism of 'foundationalisms', the illusions in the realm of philosophy and the ousting of epistomology. Such critique also paved the way for many important concepts over what Adorno contributed with profound and exceptional writings, like his prestigious work of 'Negative Dialectics'.'Against Epistomology' is founded on a draft written by Adorno from his years in Oxford from 19 in 34 to 55. It was created as a reactive measure against Husserl's methodology, hower the malice proactively dissected to a cutting probe for a more broad oxidation of epistolomological Jornney itself. Adorno legendantly elaborated such molecular change as fortuitous weaving of examining Husser under ibversanation of the dawn of dissidence in within cumnuniccing of his discourse. West results we see a transgender text hidden in its power which beneath still reigns among the best criticisms over Husserls witings, and which might just be considered the departure - horn leading principles, which have recently become so eonimmont in presented dialogue.


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Against Epistemology (Theodor W. Adorno).

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