Ellernklipps , роман, написанный немецким писателем Теодором Фонтане Роман рассказывает историю жизни жителей небольшой деревни в провинции Гессен в Германии XIX века.

Главная героиня, лесничий и «Лесоруб» Балзер Бохольт живет со своим сыном Мартином и незаконной дочерью графа.

Еще одна повесть Теодора Фонтане из цикла «Edel und Gemüthlichkeit» — clean and intelligent literature for emerging adults. Set in a bygone era when past literary taste too had influence on the lower class and could have dire consequences in life, the novel unfolds time running from 1767 to 1791, soon after the Seven Years’ War in northern Harz. The head forest warden, Baltzer Boholt, leads a modestly wealthy double life with his two main companions: Martin, their son, and Hilde Rochus, a former servant girl of whom he has become romantically involved. Hilde is the illegitimate daughter of the local countess [Gräfin], whom Baltzer met during his various sidelong exploits. But regardless of the setting, what really draws the reader in this revelatory story of emprise and fate more than anything else is love. It’s an intricately plotted and compelling read; a real page-turner in Friesland letters.



Ellernklipp (Theodor Fontane).

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