Wicked Pleasure (Taryn Taylor Leigh).

"Wicked Pleasure" by Taryn Taylor-Leigh is a thrilling and captivating story about a powerful billionaire who becomes the target of a hacker when his tech-savvy estate is broken into in an intense game of wickedly risky and exciting intrigue.

AJ, a woman skilled with the latest hacking tools and techniques, infiltrates her target's villa with the intention of taking something valuable away and giving up a few details to her trusted friend for her part in the illegal invasion. She quickly finds herself embroiled in a dangerous and emotionally charged love triangle as she passionately falls in love with her impossible to resist tech playboy rival.

As with other works by Taryn, Wicked Pleasures paints a vivid picture of the fascinating world of hackers and their brave exploits with vivid creativity and engaging storytelling. It will leave readers breathless, invested in every moment as AJ embarks on a struggle for freedom and a startlingly unshakable love in this amazing novel.

Это - опасная игра, в которую они играют... Проникнуть на вражескую территорию - дом миллиардера и плейбоя-компьютерщика - вот что живет в АЖ. Свидание со своим сексуальным врагом не входило в ее планы. Но влюбиться в него может быть именно тот опасный вызов, который АЖ не сможет игнорировать.


#современная зарубежная литература

Wicked Pleasure (Taryn Taylor Leigh).

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