A Family For Christmas (Tara Taylor Quinn).

"A Family for Christmas" author and New York Times bestselling author Tara Taylor-Quinn offers a heartwarming and emotional story of love, forgiveness, and the power of second chances.

The story follows Cara Ames who finds herself in a remote cabin recovering from a terrible accident. While recovering, she crosses paths with Doctor Simon Walsh, a gifted surgeon who is struggling to deal with the loss of his own daughter, Emily, in an accident at the end of Summer.

As Cara's injuries heal and she starts to remember more of her past, it becomes clear that she has dark secrets that she cannot fully disclose to Simon. Despite their differences, they find themselves connecting and falling in love, even as the task force that is investigating the accident close in on them.

With the holidays fast approaching, and new complications arising, the plot of the novel unfurls into a tale of how love and forgiveness can bring people together in the midst of tragedy and danger.

Together with Simon and Edward, Cara endeavors to navigate the challenges facing their family and discover the possibility of not only healing past wounds, but also sharing the festive season with Hope, their beautiful and orphaned granddaughter.

"A Family for Christmas," a heartfelt and inspiring story told with exquisite detail and deep characters, resonates with timeless themes of forgiveness, redemption, family, and love in a captivating and uplifting story that will leave you wondering "What might have been?" that transcends generations while offering hope and inspiration for healing, restoration, and a renewed sense of celebration and wonder as we draw nearing the final days of the year.

Врач клиники "Желтая Шива" в Лондоне Саймон ведёт машину по шоссе и видит раненую девушку на обочине. Он доставляет её в уединённый домик, где пытается спасти ей жизнь. Но чем больше времени проводит Саймон с девушкой, тем больше они начинают нравиться друг другу. Когда к ней возвращается память, между ними возникает сильное притяжение.Саймон даёт обещание девушке помочь найти её пропавшую малышку Джой и тем самым связывает свои жизни с семьёй Амос навсегда.


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A Family For Christmas (Tara Taylor Quinn).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: A Family For Christmas
  • Автор: Tara Taylor Quinn
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Where Secrets are Safe
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474072953