Le bimbo allemand 1 (Summer Winter).

Le 14 февраля 2017 года. Вечер субботы, канун Дня Святого Валентина. Анника находится в крошечной ванной своего маленького аппартамента в Франкфурте-на-Одере и готовится. Она ждет, когда прозвонит колокол. А пока она делает последние штрихи в своем макияже. Она рассматривает себя в зеркале. Проверяет, все ли соответствует. "Любит ли он меня или нет? Если да, возьмет ли он на руки и хорошо ли будет со мной обращаться? А если нет, разгневается ли на меня, выскажет ли свой гнев на мне?" — размышляет Анника. В черных туфлях на высоких каблуках. Черные

Le Bimbo Allemand: A Love Story 1," by Summer Winter. If this book is not familiar to you, then here\'s a description:

February 14,2015, Saturday night, Valentine\'s Day. Annika was in her tiny bathroom in her modest apartment in Francfort-Bornheim and getting ready. She was waiting for the ring of the bell. She made sure everything was done just right, contemplating her appearance before the mirror. "Would he like me or not? Would he carry me in his arms and take good care of me?" She wondered as she pondered whether it would be the case. If not, "would he get angry at me and let his anger out on me". She strutted in heels in black tights. A black net bandage was beneath them and you could see a black microbracelet peeking out. Your black lace microstring is also completely exposed. On her arms she wore black satin wristbands. But the last details were still missing. There was a petal pink necklace accompanied by a loop out of which hangs a black gag ball with a red ball. The necklace is strung with rhinestones which make up the phrase "Property of Marcus A." Annika took a look at herself again in the mirror. And she looked deep into her eyes. She didn\'t dare to search within herself. Because the woman who stood before the mirror was no longer her. "That\'s not my personality," thought Annika. There stood a shadow of herself, a self-insertion without reflection. That wasn\'t her body either. Marcus had made a whole other person out of her. Forced her to wear extensions, artificial nails. He had also encouraged her to grow her breasts several times from 85B to 95E. Not because she wanted them, but because he wanted them. Just as he wanted to see painted lips on Annika. When she considered herself in the mirror, she couldn\'t see herself anymore. She saw only a caricature of herself. A subscript of their charms. That\'s how she felt like a cartoon character. And that\'s what Marcus wanted.



Le bimbo allemand 1 (Summer Winter).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Le bimbo allemand 1
  • Автор: Summer Winter
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Из Серий: Le bimbo allemand
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783748562665