"Чувственный 2", автор Summer Winter - это эротическая новелла, которая описывает преступную жизнь Детройта. Главная тема - трое конкурирующих соперников. Сюжет основан на истории Трикси.

Прошло несколько недель и месяцев. Постепенно Ароно взял мальчика своего соперника в рабство. Для его личного удовольствия. Он не раздумывая пригласит Трикси, своих мексиканских партнеров, или предложит Ароно и Латаоа посетить "заседателя" в Чикаго. За эти несколько недель Лауи Т. и Трикси все ближе и ближе. Вопрос озабоченности Лауиса Т. огромный вопрос.

В 1-й главе - Осколок стога 9 декабря, воскресенье. Когда Ароно (Alon

Sissification(Part 2), Автор: Summer Winter Sissification (Part 2) is a porn story about the crime syndicate of Detroit. (WARNING: this story is dark, and contains descriptions of rape.) The story centers around transgender woman Trixi. It picked up weeks after an operation where Aronzo had turned the child of his enemies into a trans woman as a personal slave. He also did not hesitate to lend out Trixi to various allies. A Mexican fed, or the inviting the both Aronzo and Latoya to the "citizen council" in Chicago. Over those few weeks, Lucious T.'s and Trixis relationship grew closer. Latoyas fears were enormous. Chapter One: Intermingling, 9 December, Sunday. As Aronzo spends the day with his family at his country manor, Lucious pondered the latest developments. Recently, Luciuses sleep has become a challenge. He usually finds himself unable to sleep before 4:00 AM. However, he has difficulty drifting off due to his constant visual imagery of Trixi; her image haunts him. Despite her suffering, how does Trixi captivate Aronzo's interest and that of his other men? She suffers without pride or dignity, like a bull being milked. She is unable to mask her eyes, who have seen it all. Her painted face damaged by makeup and wine, she is sickened with semen and spit on. They treat her like literal trash and she still feels content with their attention.



感覺化2 (Summer Winter).

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