Ankara məhbusu (Суад Дервиш).

"Ankara prisoner" is the novel written by Suad Derwich, which describes the story of a patient who falls in love with a girl named Zeynep only after learning that she was raped a few days earlier. But although the wounds on Zeynep's face are clearly visible, Vasi spends years in prison without realizing the true meaning of his crime, since he did not see anything else except for his love for Zeynep.

After his release, Vasi faces difficulties in restoring his life due to the absence of money, support and a sense of belonging. He tries to connect with others, but he soon realizes that he has no friends and doesn't have any of his own ideas. Disillusioned with life, he decides to find death once again; but his decision backfires unexpectedly.

Another story, the protagonist's return to freedom after many years in prison, is covered in a detailed way by the author. Her portrayal of human emotions, be it despair or hope, also leaves a mark on the reader's mind as the story unfolds. As a result of the unthinkable crimes suffered by these two innocent characters, they have lost their ability to start a new life. They struggle to survive in their pain, ignorance, and dis

Молодой человек из Саудовской Аравии сводит счеты с жизнью после неудачного брака. Фильм состоит из коротких новелл.


#зарубежная классика

Ankara məhbusu (Суад Дервиш).

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