Ein Test meiner Leidensfähigkeit (Stefanie P.A.I.N).

Эта куевая история - Шлюпочно-SМ-рассказ для любителей более жесткой эротики

Порка мазохистки Жанны: героиня этой истории - молодая женщина по имени Жанна вынуждена зарабатывать деньги, снимая порно-фильмы с садомазохизмом. Каждый раз она должна доказывать, что достаточно сильна, чтобы справиться с большим количеством вызовов. В этом новом приключении Жанну ждет особый вызов: борьба рабынь И,

Ein Test meiner Leidenfahigkeit, Story by Stefanie PIF This is a spanking and SM short story for fans of a little more hardcore erotica. The punishments of the masochistic Janna: The heroine of this story is a young woman named Janna, forced by necessity to earn her money by directing hard-core sadomaso films. And every time she needs to prove that she is tough enough to face numerous challenges. This new adventure involves an extraordinary challenge for Janna - nothing more than a competition of slaves. And as with every competition, there are special tests that must be passed. The prize is very tempting. But if she accepts this challenge, then she must know that the following rule will apply: The winner takes it all, which means that only the winner of this brutal competition will receive a high sum paid out. All other participants of this competition go empty-handed and all the suffering and pain were for nothing. There are four of them. Four young women who want to face this challenge. And Janna is one of them. Soon a contest between Janna and another extreme slave woman forms. But her opponent is a tough rival. Janna must throw everything on the scales. She must be forced to inflict a little extra pain and suffering on herself over and over again in order to have even a chance. After all, she does not want to give up now. That is not an option. She has already endured so much. And yet, at the end, it is clearly indicated that it will not be enough. Once again, her rival wins the race. The prize money seems far away. One more time, Janna mobilizes her last strength. Another bite she bites her teeth. One more slap she strains her injured naked body to intercept her enemy just before the goal. But will it really work?



Ein Test meiner Leidensfähigkeit (Stefanie P.A.I.N).

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