Summary, Analysis, and Review of Kate Moore's The Radium Girls (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).

Краткое изложение, анализ и отзыв на книгу "The Radium Girls" Кейт Мур в сокращении , не являющееся оригиналом книги. В этом выпуске Summary, анализа и отзыва на книгу Кейт Мур "Radium Girls. Неприветливая история сияющих женщин Америки". Этот сборник включает краткое изложение книги, обзор, анализ ключевых моментов и информацию об авторе.

Summary Review and Analysis of "The Radium Girls" by Kate Moore

In this book, Moore explores the dark and tragic story of the radium manufacturing industry and how it impacted young women in particular. Setting the stage with an introduction to radium and its history, Moore documents the horrific practices and professions that were part and parcel of this industry, particularly the factory workers collectively known as "the radium girl". In their dedication to their work, these women found themselves confronting dangers not only from radium but also from toxic fumes and harsh industry mandates. They were faced with challenges that would turn their lives upside down and in many cases lead to premature deaths.

Moore's journey through these pages stuns the reader with the gripping details on these young women's daunting lives, their plight to meet safety guidelines and comply with arbitrary health regulations. A major focus examines not only physical pain but also the debilitating emotional torment of being rejected as a human being due to a frightening disease. Captivating insight into their suffering, mingled with social deprivation and economic burdens adds weight to Moore


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Summary, Analysis, and Review of Kate Moore's The Radium Girls (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Summary, Analysis, and Review of Kate Moore's The Radium Girls (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Start Publishing Notes
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781974909681