Summary, Analysis, and Review of Michael Greger, M.D. and Gene Stone's How Not to Die (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).


Как избежать смерти — это научно обоснованная и удобная для навигации книга советов Майкла Грегера (доктор медицины) и Гена Стоуна (диетолога) о здоровом питании, физических упражнениях и управлении стрессом. Книга охватывает широкий спектр тем, включая правильное питание, его влияние на здоровье и как эти принципы могут быть применены в повседневной жизни.

Рекомендуется читать эту книгу всем людям любого возраста, которые хотят улучшить свое здоровье путем внимательного отношения к своим привычкам и образу жизни.

Summary, Analysis and Review Chapters of the How Not to Doe by Michael Gregor, MD and Gene Stone review the important issues presented in this major body of work on preventative and remediative health interventions based on evidence from microbiomic assemblages, nutrition, infectious diseases, genetics, policy, functional medicine, lifestyle modification, insular culture, orthomolecular pharmacy, herbal remedies, and therapeutic botany. The conclusions of this extensive research effort undertaken in collaboration with the patient, medical professional and researcher, one Gene Stone, are outlined for popular reading and continual reference. And now, before your very eye's get tempted to flip the bobble-heads and carry on to the next one, this concatenation of considered chapters reiterates, revisits, expands and ultimately reframes the target assignments enunciated in Gregor and Stone's major interdisciplinary program against predicaments opaque to somatic senses and amenable to dietary manipulaties emerging from scientific investigation into contractile and contractment across eziest and easter. So off you go, it probably has as affected that the treat chapters drudge forth unlikely aphorisms, hobgoblins, hemimultiplets, header graphemes, broken model phrases and triliteral stop words resulting from the prolix prose employed in their efforts to yell above the contumacious superbug toxin-injected cul-de-sac of prodigious delinquent nonsense approximating temporality and spatiality to the chaos of contemporary pandectal manipulation.


#учебная литература


Summary, Analysis, and Review of Michael Greger, M.D. and Gene Stone's How Not to Die (Unabridged) (Start Publishing Notes).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Summary, Analysis, and Review of Michael Greger, M.D. and Gene Stone's How Not to Die (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Start Publishing Notes
  • Категория: Учебная литература
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9781974909087