"The Hunters" by Solveig Kerne, is the seventh volume in the story following the adventures of Yvo and Faren, two hunt masters. As they continue their journey in this volume,Feren begins to grasp the weighty implications of his appointment as a hunter. Having spent much of his life in subservience, he suddenly finds himself thrust into the forefront of his legacy and must make some very difficult choices. He seeks counsel from his grandfather in Tlego but finds that he has been caught up in intrigue - perhaps even treachery - that will bring high stakes to those seeking dominion over the land.Feren must navigate the game of power for it is clear that his fate will be tied to that of the kingdom, but his health and integrity limit what he can do. Meanwhile Yvo is determined to find the meaning behind his existence, piecing together the pieces of his own identity that have been lost over the course of centuries. As the novel draws to a close, Yvo's emotional journey begins to converge with an unexpected revelation that pushes both men into the fringes of the fight to reclaim their hallowed past. In her newest captivating story from the world of Griever Saga,Solveig Kerne once again proves herself a masterwriter, bringing to life a thrilling tale that will keep readers on their toes until the very end.



Die Jäger (Solveig Kern).

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