Arctic Searching Expedition (Sir John Richardson) - comprehensive & illustrated - (Literary Thoughts Edition) (Sir John Richardson).

Sir John Richardson Arctic Search Expedition brings together all of the previously separated volumes into one single collection, now available in the Literary Thoughts Edition. Its first publication was in 1851, marking the story of a treacherous voyage through Arctic Canada. This adventure started following the death of Sir John on June 1st, 1849, and was likely only intended as a way to commemorate his journey. It was a successful expedition, albeit unsuccessful in its goals.

The book takes a narrative approach, covering several different cultures as the search party travels through the Canadian North West. Chapter One features travel from Trondheimen in Norway to its endpoint, reaching Fort Confidence where Sir John takes on the fate that ultimately robs him and his men's remaining ambitions. Chapter Two begins at this point, taking up his official leader's departure as he and two men head to Magnetic Island in an endeavor to locate the lost expedition under Sir John's command.

On a less grand scale, the journey covers many natural elements with both lush forests and glaciers. At the end of the journey, Sir John published explorations of Inuit (native) tribes that inhabited the region, along with the people he encountered throughout. Richardson was the one who eventually died, but his legacy lives on in the book you hold in your hand.

Arctic Searching expedition by Sir John Richardson. Издание Literary Thoughts - пожалуй торги впервые представлено единым электронным книгам. Впервые опубликовано в 183 году по линии хирурга, натуралиста и арктического исследователя сэра Джона Ричардсона (1795 -1889) и является описанием лодки-путешествия через Канаду и через Арктику, в поисках морского судна под командованием сэра Джона Франклина.


#книги о путешествиях

Arctic Searching Expedition (Sir John Richardson) - comprehensive & illustrated - (Literary Thoughts Edition) (Sir John Richardson).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Arctic Searching Expedition (Sir John Richardson) - comprehensive & illustrated - (Literary Thoughts Edition)
  • Автор: Sir John Richardson
  • Категория: Книги о путешествиях
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783741874970