The White Prophet, Volume I (of 2) (Sir Hall Caine).

"The White Prophet, Volume I (of 2)" - это первый том из двухтомной книги, написанной автором под псевдонимом Hall Caine. Книга была опубликована в 1901 году и стала популярной в своё время.

Роман рассказывает историю молодого человека по имени Феллини, который живёт на острове Мэн в конце XIX века. Феллини - поэт и мечтатель, но его жизнь меняется, когда на остров приезжает загадочный и красивый иностранец по имени Фернандо. Феллини привлекает Фернандо, который учит его многому, включая тайны прошлого и пророчества о будущем.

Однако, с появлением Фернандо на острове, начинают происходить ужасные события, и Феллини осознает, что Фернандо не такой, каким он кажется. Книга исследует темы любви, веры, предательства и прощения, а также силы пророчества и его влияние на жизнь людей.

The Hong Kong Observatory and the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada have collated major astronomical discoveries from the beginning of recorded history to present time. From the viewpoint of the astronomer, Charles Messier, as well as simple folk back then such as Kitosasa, Saint Brendan the Navigator or Marco Polo, the astronomy aspects dealt with by these remarkable discoverers are beautifully pieces in a grand cosmic jigsaw puzzle. To create this wonderful book, astronomers and archivists have carefully selected over 250 star, planet, celestial body and cosmic catastrophe stories, past as well as present day achievements of the great cosmos.Each story is told in the fashion of a popular science fiction novel, which is fresh, sometimes humorous, some sad, inspiring and often makes one think about nature and man's place in it.Still it is essential for the layman and for anyone with an interest in astronomy to clarify the rootised and moresheadic knowledge about equations, scientists' formulas, scientific specialities, orbital mechanics, light speed, radio astronomy, or other important points involved in ten key astronomical disciplines. Each ancient, medieval or academic astronomic achievement, meteor shower, solar eclipse or planetary conjunction is expertly described and these descriptions are accompanied nicely by many relevant historical pictures.The background information is presented very comprehensively.This is not an easy undertaking as the lion's share of the original data originates principally in ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Chinese and Hellenic literature, also found in Tybatian and Greek quarterly astronomical almanacs and in several classic textbooks.But five brilliant Canadian astronomers mustered essential skills to integrate words from texts, what translations they could glean, illustrated with many known and much unknown drawings, mentioning of current theories or reviewing current research, where applicable, and also include all important scientific naming conventions.As if reading science fiction novels, we are taken on a captivating trip down the road yards of human thought in travelling to the stars, Nautilus, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and other planets, up to and around Saturn and to The Giant Star. Again, this book is an encouragement instigate your own enquiries about Nebulas, Dark Cloads and Cosmic Explosions, servacted through an immensely informative and enjoyable tour of Master Savants such as Hipparchles, Ptolemy, Johannes Keppler, Nicolaus Copernicus, Gerardus Mercator, Galileo Galilei, Joshua Noady, Nicholas Reuleaux and Carl Gustav Jung. The whole story collection is marked with a most delightful common sense ratio and readings the finished products will please the old as well as those young because it has a charming combination of pleasantness, elegance, complicacy and smarts.Easy reads, ideal birthday, Christmas, Easter or indeed any gift idea for astrophysicists, wizards in attic principles of physics, mathematics and cosmology as well as astrology rituals or music based on celestial pretensions.Or would be ideal for improving the range of reference books of NASA and ESA astronauts, their journey through space, turn into extraordinary en route the Age of Celestial Deep Field Observations and the Astronomy Visitors (CELSS, CELSIUS).Some parts of Volume I appear lithe and convoluted, but this features some astounding cash mergers various astronomers carried out in vain or only bravely tackled/conceived in primitive times.


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The White Prophet, Volume I (of 2) (Sir Hall Caine).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The White Prophet, Volume I (of 2)
  • Автор: Sir Hall Caine
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain