The Adventure of the Crooked Man - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure (Unabridged) (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

Книга "Приключения Извилистого человека" Артура Конан Дойла - это приключение Шерлока Холмса в викторианской Англии. В этом рассказе главный герой изобличает и разгадывает сложную загадку, связанную с пропажей сокровищ богатого наследства и таинственным убийством. Неожиданный поворот сюжета заставляет Холмса играть с опасностью и принимать вызовы, которые ставят под угрозу его жизнь. Это неподражаемое приключение и классические истории о Холмсе остались популярными и любимыми уже более века после своего выхода в свет.

The Adventure of The Crooked Man is a Sherlock Holmes novella, unabridged, by Sir Arthur ConanDoyle. It is in the Baedeker collection of stories, and one of the early examples of Baker Street Detective stories to be published in a complete, unrevised version up to the point where it appears in The Return of Sherlock Holmes.\nThe story's plot concerns two young men, Tom Lockyer and Percy Grainger, who are apprehended and indicted for the murder of an old gentleman, Ace Faulkner, in a row of lodgings occupied by them about six months previously, though their alibi is watertight.\nSuspecting that Miss Hawdon, conductress of Ace Faulkner's subsequent residence, placed the two men under suspicion, Sherlock Holmes joins forces with Inspector Waring, to investigate the circumstances of both Ace Faulkners and his apparent successor.\nHolmes eventually digs up a crooked practice and a web of complications, relationships and diabolical plans that lead to the resolution of the case--a storyline that has occasionally been retroactively placed in competition with the Strand short story "A Scandal in Bohemia" that introduces the Moriarty character twelve years earlier in John Watson as Dr Henry Watson's medical colleague at the London Hospital.\nThroughout his life, Conan Doyle declared "The Admiral's Arms" as the best Sherlock Holmes story he had ever written, but this unabridged version of "The Adventure of Thecrooked Man", was, according to Sir Arthur Conan Doile himself as recorded by Donald Burnie, the tale that initially crystallized The Secret Adept side of The Fourth Doctor and Steven Jacobs Archangel series, as well as edited into an adventure called "Dimensions in Time".


#зарубежная классика

The Adventure of the Crooked Man - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure (Unabridged) (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: The Adventure of the Crooked Man - A Sherlock Holmes Adventure (Unabridged)
  • Автор: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Аудиокнига
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Zebralution GmbH
  • ISBN: 9783991153610