Immortale - Nachtfalke und Hexenmeister (Simon Rhys Beck).

**"Immortale - Night Falcon and Witchmaster"** - это роман, написанный английским писателем **Simon Rhys Beck**. Эта история рассказывает о двух главных героях – **Ночном Ястребе** и **Мастере Ведьм**.

Главный герой романа, Ночной Ястреб, является человеком, который обладает необычными способностями. Он может превращаться в различных животных и насекомых и использовать их для решения задач.

Мастер Ведьм – это другая сторона этой истории. Он – могущественный колдун, который живет в древнем замке.

ImmortaIе by Simоn RhyS Beck IMMORTALE Book 1 ImmortaIe is a modern prisonyard tale of humility, redemption and hope, set in London's remoter blackened squares of Soho and Shoreditch. Here Sergeant Tom Harmon cautiously eases his eclectic activities- balancing a mundane job in Hammersmith, an unpredictable love affair and a vindictive personal attempt to reclaim his honour. Then, as the devastating Bombay Decca blows up his world apart, he is thrust unexpectedly into a terrifying faвade of sentencing the world's century's most monstrous crime- The Octopus Terror. With the silence in his heart, an investigative heartbreak, he soon finds himself immersed in an inhospitable underbelly known as the Night-Falkenberg Runners and the black-magic Ordo Hermeticus that perpetuate the terror. The aim of the game, the very essence of the police's existence, is to track down, isolate and dismantle Roman Crow's curse that's striking identifiable followers of his cult with a malignancy often rounding their still lives; there is an impossible reality behind each of these turnings count as immortality...and frenzy. A perverse, melancholic western-style where men field jackboots, guns and pack loyal souls in a gripping battle between dark energy and forces of reason and justice.Facing the judgement of experienced folk on this long-running mystery, Tom turns to Beck's guidance, who across established parallel adventures has provided unflinching and often spine-crawling visions of character and ambience. Beck, a greatly intriguing author, provides an engrossing grand narrative throughout which we watch scheming fellows, agents of symbols, confounding even Harmon's innate sense of recognising significance and simulated pathos. This series, brilliantly and handsomely crafted, touches the unique scenes mysteriously alluded to in the esteemed Collins Crime Club resident urban legend, immortaI. 'I was so wrapped up in this story it felt as if I had a full blown friendship with Mr Harmon; along with his trusty cockney partner Andy Payton you are a talented writer, this is perhaps your masterpiece.' Jeremy Dyson, author




Immortale - Nachtfalke und Hexenmeister (Simon Rhys  Beck).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Immortale - Nachtfalke und Hexenmeister
  • Автор: Simon Rhys Beck
  • Категория: Литературоведение
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 18+
  • Язык: Deutsch
  • Паблишер: Bookwire
  • ISBN: 9783943678949