Das Orchester (Silvio Panosetti).

"Das Orchester" - это таинственный квартет, который отчаянно пытается достигнуть вершины успеха. В какой-то момент его игра выходит из-под контроля, музыканты играют только то, что приходит им в голову, перемешивая произведения, все вокруг слышат сумасшедший грохот звуков, публика ничего этого не замечает, думает, что все еще слышит классику. Роман, принадлежащий перу Сильвио Паносети, понравится тем, кто не равнодушен к музыке и теме искусства в целом.

Quartet, rather strangely called THE ORCHESTR, is fighting its way from the bottom, becomes world famous and seems to go through an incomprehensible development at the peak of its career. According to a journalist, one day the kettle drums decided to play only what came into his mind at that time and wildly drum it out. Although the arrangements of the ORCHESTRA are precisely defined, the other musicians do not respond to this, but soon also no longer adhere to the prescribed interpretations. THE ORCHESTRE, as they claim, still plays their well-known works, but in reality it organizes a deafening sound chaos on the stage. And the seemingly incredible: The audience does not notice anything, but believes they are still hearing what is long gone. An entertaining confrontation revolving around individualism and collectivism.



Das Orchester (Silvio Panosetti).

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