Title: "Satisfaction" by Sharon Kendrick

"Satisfaction" is a romantic comedy novel written by the author Sharon Kendrick. The story follows a group of wealthy and selfish characters who find themselves entangled in unexpected ways.

The protagonist of the book, Alexandros Pavlidis, is a playboy who discovers that he is the father of twins. At first, he plans to pay off the child's mother but soon realizes that he cannot live without her. In order to have the woman of his dreams, Alexandros decides to marry her on his own terms.

Meanwhile, Kyros Pavlides is a billionaire who craves a warm, willing wife in bed. However, Alexei Christos, his brother-in-law, has fallen out of favor with his wife Victoria and seeks to end their marriage without penalty. Victoria demands a divorce and she gets her wish. Christos agrees for the sake of his money, but his demands come at the expense of Alexei being punished for his actions.

With the maelstrom of seemingly unrelated romances, "Satisfaction," continues to captivate readers and offers a unique view on life's complexities.


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Satisfaction (Sharon Kendrick).

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