Jane Eyre (Шарлотта Бронте).

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronté is one of the most famous novels written in the last two centuries, which usually retains the image of an ultra-romantic story of love between a poor governess and her rich and imposing patron, all in the dark and mysterious frame of a gothic fantasmagorion. And we forget that before and after the central relationship with the abyssal, sardonic and volcano-like Mr Rochester, Jane has other relationships, other stories: episodes of horror from such maltreatment as rebellious childhood, years of illness and hard study at a dreadful boarding school, stations of poverty and renunciation in the ultimate physical and moral desolation, unexpected upsets, and even pockets of family peace and new – albeit misleading – proposals for marriage. Finally, we forget that the novel is a book about life, an authoritative and severe confession – firmly critical – of a complete spiritual itinerary, and an extensive illustration of the struggle between conscience and feeling, between principles and desires, between legitimacy and character, of a heroine who is the "captive flame" between the extremes that form her nature. Karen Martin Gaite has rescued the energy, wealth and expressiveness of a somewhat corrupted text through the popularity of its multiple versions. Thanks to her translation, done expressly for this edition, anyone who believes they know this novel will discover it when reading it again, rather than remembering it. Charlotte Brontē was born in 1816 in Thornton (North Yorkshire), the third daughter of Patrick Brontō and Maria Branvell. In 1839, Patrick Bronto, the rector of a small village in Yorkshire called Haworth; and there Charlotte would spend her entire life. Being orphaned at a very young age, Charlotte's five siblings were raised by their aunt. In 24 Charlotte went to a school for the daughters of priests with her sisters Emily, Elizabeth and Maria. Elizabeth and Maria died that same year, and Charlotte attributed them to the poor conditions of boarding. Subsequently, she studied at a private school and taught for a year and then became a governess and teacher again at a boarding school in Brussels, where she spent internment with Emily in 14 years. Returning to Haworth in 46, she managed to publish a volume of Poems with her siblings, Emily and Anne. Under the pseudonym Acton, respectively Bell and Currer Ellis, Her first novel, Professor, did not find an editor, and would not be published until 57 After losing Emily and Anne in 58. However, as Currer Bell , she successfully published Jane Eyre (). In 48, while Emily and Anne and her brother Branwell died around her, she wrote Shirley Alba Classic 30,. and the latter was published the next year. Charlotte married the Reverend A.B. Nicholl's the year before she died in 55



Jane Eyre (Шарлотта Бронте).

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