Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials. Processing and Characterization (Shakeel Ahmed).

Книга "Зеленые и устойчивые продвинутые материалы. Обработка и характеристика" посвящена развитию новых и усовершенствованию существующих материалов, которые отвечают принципам устойчивого развития. Она охватывает множество тем, связанных с характеристиками зеленых и устойчивых продвинутых материалов, включая биополимеры, биокомпозиты, наноматериалы, полимерные материалы, зеленые функциональные материалы для текстиля, гибридные материалы, а также главы по обработке, посвященные проектированию и процессам наноизготовления. Зеленые и устойчивые продвинутые материалы - это новые или модифицированные материалы, обладающие уникальными свойствами, которые отвечают растущему спросу на оборудование, машины и устройства с лучшим качеством для широкого спектра применений в различных секторах, таких как бумажная, биомедицинская, текстильная и многие другие. Эта книга является первым томом и представляет обзоры различных тем, связанных с характеристиками зеленых и устойчивых продвинутых материалов.

Издание "Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials" by Shakeel Ahmed is an excellent reference text that provides comprehensive insights into one of the key trends in current research - the development of advanced, environmentally friendly materials. With both processing and characterization covered, this book is essential reading for anyone involved in the field of materials engineering, academic researchers, industry professionals, students and engineers. Authors included in this publication guide readers through the concepts and principles of producing new types of green materials. Tracing problems and advantages regarding both the synthesis and the characterization, this work informs practitioners about the future directions for practical technology development.Key features of this report include:• Preparation and improvement of advanced materials in different fields • Searching for new methods to process advanced materials • Examining factors that have to be considered in the process of production• Investigation into the methods used for the identification of quality and quantity of manufactured products• Discussion of the industrial application of newly developed materials• Determining the strengths and weaknesses and potential extension of technologies with maleating pathogenicity Among its numerous benefits, the book also highlights various uses of semiconductors, their potential environmental impact and ways to reduce the risk from these effects. Volume One delves into different subjects, including the classification and chemical compositions of polymers, biopolymers and biocomposites. It is also devoted to nanomaterials investigation, organic and polymeric matters, functional textiles and hybrid construction materials. Furthermore, it compares various processing approaches and explores the process essentials taken in nanofabrickation. This volume allows researchers and researchers to make scientific investments so that they may develop materials whose manufacture and processing are natural and environmentally sound.With valuable case studies, tables and formulas supplied within, as well representations of active developments ranging from multidisciplinary innovations to industrial manufacturing centres, this book makes valuable reading opportunities for those engaged in prefabricated dioxide target technologies or interested in developing new semiconductor technologies.


#научно-популярная литература

Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials. Processing and Characterization (Shakeel  Ahmed).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials. Processing and Characterization
  • Автор: Shakeel Ahmed
  • Категория: Научно-популярная литература
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781119407096