De Verwoeste Stad (Scott Kaelen).

Книга “De Verwoeste Stadt” (“Разрушенный город”) авторства Скотта Кэлэна - это история о том, как в 1672 году голландский город Маастрихт был разрушен во время войны между Францией и Голландией. В книге рассказывается о том, какие события привели к этому трагическому событию и как оно повлияло на жизнь людей в городе. Автор использует множество источников и документов, чтобы создать полную картину событий того времени. Книга написана простым языком и будет интересна для всех, кто интересуется историей Европы.

Drama, rooted in characters and featuring horror and humor, for adults. The gods call its courage required. So it is written in the Codex of Ages, by Lachiala, the Destroyed Citadel. But who reads codices? And who truly believes the great stories of the compilers? Dagger believes it. When it comes to a story about the gods – even a dead god – he believes every word. Like his Vagabond Guild, who have proposed to cross the Dead Lands and find a gem in the crypts of the Destroyed City, Dagger does not want any part in it. Nor are his companions offended by the legend; for them the shaky divide between living and the dead is superstitious nonsense. Completing the contract would accord the guild a vital boost to its reputation and offer them the bounty they seek. They come, with or without him. Broken between the expectations of one's convictions and the importance of one's friendships, Dagger goes reluctantly into godless territory, seeking the mythical city. But the Dead Lands are only the first test. The Vagabonds reveal an ages old ruse when they discover Lachiala's common seed is much darker than its tradition makes it out to be; its the truth that must forever stay unsaid or mankind will be engulfed in an eternity of nightmare. Bound by the grip of disease, Dagger is forced to face the hardest choice of his life… and his death.


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De Verwoeste Stad (Scott Kaelen).

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