A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches (Sarah Orne Jewett).

Книга "A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches" - это сборник рассказов и очерков, написанных американским писателем Уильямом Карлосом Уильямсом. В ней включены как известные произведения автора, так и менее известные и редко публиковавшиеся ранее тексты. Главный рассказ "A Country Doctor" повествует о жизни и работе доктора в сельской местности, а другие рассказы и очерки предлагают читателю обширный обзор творчества Уильямса и его основных тем: природа, человеческие отношения, семья, музыка и искусство. Книга является прекрасным введением в творчество Уильямса и позволяет читателю окунуться в его уникальный стиль и мир.

Stories gathered from the famous American author Sarah Orne Jewell. Jewell was born into a middle-class family in New York in 1849. She began her medical studies in 1867 but they were interrupted due to health problems. In 1870 Sarah married and took up residence in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Here she completed her medical training and became a well-respected doctor. Over her lifetime she wrote 20 novels, 1 short story collection, and over 100 short stories about tough realities of life, family ties, relationships between men, women, friendship and privacy. Her stories are emotional and poignant. Many of her short stories, including The Country Doctor described in this book, are often read at the tenth grade level. This collection includes both serialised stories published in magazines as well as sketch stories which appear in newspapers and were never published separately. Representative titles include "Punch", "True Tales from nurses' Parlors" and "The Country Doctor". Readable text in English Basic Literary Style, Essential Reading for English Language Learners, Includes Vocabulary Notes, Sentence Translation for Easy Understanding, All Phrases & Sentences Glossary at Back.


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A Country Doctor and Selected Stories and Sketches (Sarah Orne Jewett).

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