Told in the Hills: A Novel (Ryan Marah Ellis).

Роман "Told in the Hills" рассказывает о переселении американцев на Дикий Запад в 19 веке. Главная героиня, молодая девушка Рэйчел Карвер, вместе со своей семьей путешествует по Орегонскому пути на запад, чтобы основать новый дом в неизведанных землях.

По пути Рэйчел знакомится с индейцами племени Нез Персе и влюбляется в одного из вождей по имени Тамс Бук. Их отношения осложняются из-за напряженности между индейцами и белыми колонистами, которые пытаются отобрать земли у коренных жителей. Роман показывает драматическое столкновение двух культур на фоне захватывающего путешествия на Дикий Запад.

Книга Марэми Белами была опубликована в 1926 году и считается классикой литературы об освоении американского Запада. Она реалистично показывает пионерский дух первопроходцев и дает представление о быте и нравах поселенцев того времени.

The story starts on the ranch where Ashley lives with her family.\nBut one day, Sheriff Thompson lets it slip that Ashley's father was arrested when he was a boy for horse theft.\nAaron, Amy's cousin and Connor's best friend, told me the story.\nIn this version, we find out that once upon a time Ashley lived in Texas where her father ran a controlling ranch.\nWhen a young boy named Tyler stole his horse, she offered to replace the horse if he would return home and accept their family's way of life.\nHe did.\nThe marriage was arranged and the crops were bountiful, but soon it became clear that Tyler could not get along with Amy's brothers or his father.\nAnd after nearly drowning, he took his own life.\nAmy's mother left her family in an attempt to move on.\nAshley was found out and left home, only to be brought back by her desperation and love for Anna and Sam.\n-Author's Note-\nAmy tried to plant the idea of battering horses just as farmer Mitchell Scott in Missouri did (but he did steal a wild horse).\nOn my way through Kentuckiana I stopped by to make sure that my research was correct.\nMy youngest son and I visited Mitchell's home – the well-known slave and agricultural hero named Cooper Davis Scott.\nAmelia's story was written from events that unfolded around and within me during Tennessee Valley's native publishing magazines.\nFermenting ideas also came from conversations with John Tremaine who encouraged me to paint black people as joyfully possessed people that could not tell right from wrong, good from evil.\nReaders can see that some specific incidents and scenes have been altered to better capture the essence I saw in these characters – and none more so than with Elliot Mason Scott who inspired me to portray the wisecracking man of my conjugate – Dale Farmiga."


#зарубежная классика

Told in the Hills: A Novel (Ryan Marah Ellis).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Told in the Hills: A Novel
  • Автор: Ryan Marah Ellis
  • Категория: Зарубежная классика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Public Domain