Bride For A Night (Rosemary Rogers).

"Невеста на одну ночь" - роман, написанный Мирандой Ли в жанре исторического романа. Главная героиня, Оливия Добсон, остается наедине с собой после того, как жених бросает ее у алтаря. Но это еще не все - вместо него появляется его старший брат, который берет на себя ответственность и становится заменой жениха. Оливия давно испытывает секретную привязанность к Андрею Ричардсону, привлекательному графу Эшкомбу. Но когда она выходит замуж и отправляется одна в его загородный дом, робкая красавица обнаруживает, что одна ночь страсти воспламенила ее смелый внутренний огонь. В то время как ее прекрасная зеленоглазая жена находится вдали от глаз, она всегда на уме у Андрея, и когда Оливия похищена французскими шпионами, граф боится потерять то, что только что нашел. Но жена, за которой он спешит спасаться, совсем не такая, какой он ее оставил. Она - женщина, которая осмеливается требовать вечности от своего мужа...

Bride For A Night by Rosemary Rogers: This enthralling novel is the fresh take on the clichéd rom-com - a highly likeable if infuriating heroine, plenty of thrills, laughs and impromptu smooching. When Olivia Dobson's plans for a fairy-tale wedding leave her with nothing but her dignity and the ineluctable urge to pee in public divorce lawyer uniform, her nemesis the notorious Andrew Richardson offers her the ultimate fake wedding to quell gossip. Transgressing the wedding rehearsal, Olivia nervously sniffs the enormous black cat Olivia bought to give her look of mute protest while Brian reminds her calmly that they go their separate ways after the ceremony regardless.\n"Fuck him," comes her unvarnished reply, awakening her beastly and ironically loverly alter ego.\nNow she intends to make her own fiance, as well asOlivia Robinson's scheming brother Lord Worthy Sampson, eat overpriced doughnuts while brushing her\'billion-dollar Gessa Filippo Prada for Men prize dog and spelling TikTok names decadently over an elaborate afternoon tea set.\nMaybe she can even get her jealous horoscope man turned only to home movies and lonely dinners with his waffling cupcake puckering pal.\nDesperate to survive her marriage, Olivia must also deal with claims of spousal abuse being leveled against her lord and master, and unravel the mysteries associated with her father's supposed immoral encounters with all manner of national intelligence services. Set between England and France, Olivia delves into sordid conspiracy theories to learn of Lord Ashcombe's true past, whereas the marquise and his family of faceless henchmen search for the priceless oracular diary with Lord Ashcombe in their dirty plan.\nFortunately, my passionate good hearted hero (who always makes me laugh - perhaps the longest lasting gag of this ebook?) is a decoy masquerading as the latest entry on Olivia Robinson\'s list of people to exclude because she hints he can help bring Olivia back into the spotlight... and not as Olivia Robinson, by the way.\nYeah, needless to say it\'ll be an interesting story and familiar faces poked around en route to throwing the heroes together time more twist their predicament accordingly and her strange nobleman seemingly obliges even rutsholics will be able to keeps pace with these throwbacks kissing and all your boys are welcome.\nLove that girl I\'m sure everyone\'s wondering where I\'ve been... This book certainly didn\'t hold back on the spice - it derails the safest cliffhanger plot device to hit our biscuit-smart binge readers and doesn\'t even hand them a sticky bunkectomy midnight theory directive for their second thought amongst other true-crime - filled maneuvers.\nNevertheless, this erotica often proves to be the pinnacle of the journeying trap of pp and with formidable romantics, Philly always knows how to keep you going 5 stars…


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Bride For A Night (Rosemary  Rogers).

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