A Woman's Dilemma (Rosemarie Zagarri).

"Дилемма женщины: Мерси Отис Уоррен и Американская революция" - второе издание биографии Розмари Загарри о одной из самых достойных женщин эпохи Революции. Книга помещает Уоррен в социально-политический контекст ее времени и рассматривает влияние ее писаний на революционную политику и статус женщин в ранней Америке. Книга предлагает читателям увлекательную и доступную историческую биографию литературной и политической личности эпохи Революции. В книге присутствует четкий рассказ о социальных и интеллектуальных сил, которые способствовали приходу Американской революции. В книге также есть обновленный библиографический эссе, множество иллюстраций, таймлайн жизни Уоррен и вопросы для изучения глав. Книга также расширяет охват женщин в эпоху Революции и ранней Американской Республики.

The pandemic forced writer and researcher Rosemarie Zagari's subjects to migrate from her New York City office (home of previously published pages on Mercy Otis Abrams, Bess Truman, Dorothy Dix) to ZagariMansion (wife of acclaimed novelist Stephen Hanley) here in Westport, Connecticut. Zagari had worked for years on Mercy's long overdue book. With her Allyn & Bacon, Harvard UP colleague, Ruth Ashby Grover, it proved a collaborative project between the two academics, resulting in an intensive reenvisioning of key aspects of Mercy Warren's womanhood, literary contributions to the Revolution, relation to Thomas Jefferson, as well as being an artist and social reformer.

Zagari succinctly describes her motivation behind her project in her introduction: "to puzzle out whether Mercy Otis wasn't too broad an characterization of a 'person of virtue,' a reserved and contained political activist and literary girlhood proteged." This is complimented by Zagari'selaborate study of Mercy Warren and society's changing views of gender roles during this era, covering the invention of self-referential female representationsin works like Carroll Smith's Tomorrow and After Tomorrow (1770) chapters, but also analyzing interactions between vulnerable Mercy and powerful First Lady mollification and relationships with the King. 328 pages, scholarly in nature, offers a fascinating portrait of an important figure in the evolution of cultural perception on the American past, through a thorough examination of such topics as Mercy'sprevious criticism of single mothers tp-the topic and the scholarship in this field through conservative reviews.


#историческая литература

A Woman's Dilemma (Rosemarie Zagarri).

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