The End of the World Mafia (Rolf Nagel).

"The End of World Mafia" by Rolf Nagels tells the story about how the international mafia comes to an end in 2012. This book describes the story of an ordinary middle-age bank clerk who finds himself the right hand man to the top Mafia boss in Sicily.

Rolf Nagel was a prominent Bank manager in World where he spent several decades. While at their company in Germany he served as Chief Executive Officer. At that firm, he occupied a critical role assisting with capital investment in American software companies. Through his job position, Rolf was exposed to various dubious partnerships. After his many years in the dangerous world he became partial to writing a novel investigating this fraud. Through years of working hard and expanding on his experience working all across the worlds, Rolf eventually finished "The End World Mafia". Although he never had any background of being a credible forensic or security expert, his immersion into various eras of international finance is highly relevant as his accounts accurately depict the evolution of organized crime since these decades ago. By reflecting his perspective, the reader will find themselves thoroughly informed on the character and nefarious actions of today's mafia world.



The End of the World Mafia (Rolf Nagel).

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