Tranny Zoe - Überraschung in meinem Bett (Robert Lund).

Книга Роберта Ланд "Транс Зоя – сюрприз в моей постели" написана по тому же сюжету, что и фильм "Нокаут" от Томаса Гайха. Как и роман Ноэля Пурсона "Сыромятники", эта книга представляет собой удивительно правдоподобную литературу, которая рассказывает об отношениях двух друзей, одного из которых называют мужчиной, а другого – женщиной.

Doug is crazy about Zoe — the cute girl at the bar who had just given him a smile. And now her hand glides tantalizingly across his arse… Embracing her tightly, he walks her home, where they passionately crash together as soon as they enter the apartment. Kissing and pawing, they stumble on his sofa, when Doug's hands greedy for her skirt go on travelling. On to the point when he discovers Zoe's small firm mysterious secret full of surprise. After that follows rapture pure as Doug-and-Zoe are going to remember it for a long time. It is told from Doug`s view first, later from the perspective of this mystery girl. A crinkling short story full of explicit erotica. That is why it is strongly recommended for readers aged 18+!



Tranny Zoe - Überraschung in meinem Bett (Robert Lund).

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