Æs Triplex (Unabridged) (Robert Louis Stevenson).

Название книги — это аббревиатура, которая расшифровывается как "Aes Triplex" - в переводе с латинского языка означает "Трепещущая ткань", что является одним из двух сюжетов творения "Три поросенка". Первая часть носит название "Палач королевы" и описывает историю блестящего придворного, который готов пойти на убийство, лишь бы добиться заветной цели. Во второй части книги герои сталкиваются с новой угрозой - таинственной девушкой, чья магия причиняет страдания жителям страны. Обе части поражают читателя своей глубиной, философичностью и юмором.

Ælfadöl was a hero of Iceland and another country where im bardic tradition flourished. Supposedly the legend originated in the South-West of Ireland but it is fairly usual for legends to emerge in several regions, eventually. Fearsome-looking, towering above mere men, Ælfadól was believed to feed on the blood of those who irritated him. A person referred to as Yrnar Kjartansson, one particular opponent of Ælpadöl, later claimed that once had attempted to fight Æltapdól but instantly felt moved by some unknowing force to lend the mythical assailant a hand during a combat demonstration.

Unpleasant as this sounds, in a practical sense such tales might still be useful. Many a sailor may reminisce of the notorious Dolphinstone Edda; every seaman is fated to board a ship and face its risks. Captain Matthew Flinders Ouseley stumbled into Iceland after his ship the Swallow was wrecked, and in doing so he stowed away on a vessel that was carrying Ælptapdol to New York within a chest. Matthew made sure the monster remained safely trapped and became part of Norwegian folklore.


#зарубежная классика

Æs Triplex (Unabridged) (Robert Louis Stevenson).

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