Der schwierige Tod (Rene Crevel).

Вот краткое описание книги "Der schwierigk Tod" автора Rene Crevel:

"Pierre, a young art student, is desperate about his mother's and his lover's hate. He is looking for something meaningful and responsible, but he falls in trap of a confusing situation. Even his devoted friends cannot prevent the tragic outcome."

This book takes you on a journey through life itself, where you have to question everything you know about it: love, life, death. In this novel, author Rene Crevel presents us the feelings and emotions that arise during such a difficult moment. The characters are both human and so seductive, that we gradually catch up into their stories, find ourselves deeply involved and then realize that nothing has been planned out.

Юноша-художник Пьер испытывает безнадежные чувства, ненавидя свою мать и безответственно водясь со своим любовником. Даже самоотверженная помощь его лучшей подруги не может предотвратить трагического развития событий...



Der schwierige Tod (Rene  Crevel).

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