Mysteriöse Museumsschätze (Reinhard Habeck).

Secret museum treasures: Concealed and incredible in museums Places of discovery and wonder: Here we come across our cultural heritage. But how secure is this worldview? What we know about our ancestors and the lost worlds is a piecemeal. Even the most famous discoveries such as the Venus of Willendorf, the Ötzi ice woman or the Tutankhamun Pharaoh treasures are still full of mysteries. Far greater are the question marks in objects that, due to their bizarre characteristics, unusual dating or their wonderful history, are considered "cultural objects". Reinhard Habeck has gone on a search for traces in museums, archives and private collections. What he discovered has hitherto revealed unknown things from our past. The Wolffegg Cube - a secret iron relic believed lost from the basement archive. Most unlikely, a meteorite


#историческая литература

Mysteriöse Museumsschätze (Reinhard Habeck).

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