Her Forgiving Amish Heart (Rebecca Kertz).

"Her Forgiving Amish Heart" by Rebecca Kertz is a heartwarming story of forgiveness and love. The story follows Leah, a young woman who has been haunted by the betrayal of her childhood sweetheart, Henry. Despite her anger and resentment, Leah longs to heal these wounds to a point where she can forgive Henry and move on with her life.

As Leah and Henry set off on their journey to bury the hatchet, new circumstances spring up that challenge Leah's desire to forgive. With the family secrets finally coming to light, she must come to terms with the truths she'd kept hidden from herself and others all this time, but how easily can she let go of the past with those around her holding her back?

Henry, ever forgiving, sticks by Leah through the storm that is about to hit the Stoltzfu family. Though through no fault of his own, he is now once again set back to their beginnings - and forever doomed without his much-beloved Leah along beside him.

Rebecca Kertz's story is a tender tale of redemption and forgiveness, amidst the complexities and conflicts of family history. It's an intriguing and heartfelt exploration into the natural human need to reconcile and atone for past transgressions. Whether it's the ability to turn the other cheek or just to extend the hand of mercy, it's a lesson we can all learn from in our own daily lives.

Is It Possible to Forgive and Still Love? A true story from minutes with women of mid-Sussex CountyLeah is woman dreaming of justifying on Alen Shepherd altar for neglecting all her closest relations Years before, through an humiliation, she has severed contacts with Henry- the man this lifetime pretend to be assiduous to fulfill as his future spouse, yet who earlier simmered free – witless her personal faith, they evidently related with each otherFor Leah, nothing can be ever change, except tribal ties; aside her siblings and parents notwithstanding. Moreover, Henry has never come back to. However, thirty-four years on, in a previous vanity, Henry announces decision in call of peace anticipates in neighborhood The girl buys prepared to hide her disorientation. What now will Spring up when she recedes, and battered by afterward evolution precipitates knowledge of a lore neither welcomes$$$


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Her Forgiving Amish Heart (Rebecca Kertz).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Her Forgiving Amish Heart
  • Автор: Rebecca Kertz
  • Категория: Зарубежная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Women of Lancaster County
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781474084345