Forced travel. Southern Оrion (Райса Каримбаева).

"Forced travel. Southern Orion", by Karimbaeva Raisa, is the story of Georges's experience. As he lazily crossed the corridor, he began choking with a giant sandwich in his mouth. When he came to view a large spider, he nearly suffocated from shock. This fast animal moved with shaggy yellow feet with black markings while sporting a bold large black X on its back. At least, Georges thought, from what his high-school training informed, such a monster was quite lethal.

As he strolled even more slowly, the spider continued to run towards him. Finally, the beast abruptly stopped inches from Georges. The first thought that had shot into his head was to grab and tackle, but it turned out that he wouldn't have the strength to win against such an agile animal. Instead of considering strategies, he just stood, stunned, and staring at the spider. He took one step back, thinking perhaps it would hesitate, but the beast still advanced. Realizing that if it got close enough for any attempt at defense to work, it would also

Джорджа шел по коридору, лениво переставляя ноги… Это было скорее привычкой… И в этот раз он засунул в рот огромный бутерброд и чуть не подавился им, когда увидел «что-то». «Что-то» напоминающее огромного паука почти человеческих размеров стремительно приближалось к нему, быстро перебирая шестью косматыми, желтыми с черными полосами лапками. На спине размашистый черный крест. Таких пауков, насколько Джорж помнил из учебников школы, очень опасно. – Аа-а! – закричал он в ужасе, пятясь назад.

The book was forced to travel, Southern Orion raised by Raisa Karimbayeva,


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Forced travel. Southern Оrion (Райса Каримбаева).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Forced travel. Southern Оrion
  • Автор: Райса Каримбаева
  • Категория: Научная фантастика
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Возрастная категория: 12+
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: Издательские решения
  • ISBN: 9785005148148