Season Of Wonder (RaeAnne Thayne).

"Season of Wonder" by RaeAnne Thayn is a lighthearted book that follows Dani Capelli, a single mother who finds herself facing many challenges and tragedies. Despite some rough patches and personal setbacks, she finds hope and inspiration as her family grows and embraces the community they call home.

To start, Dani's life is far from ideal as she struggles to find her place amidst unexpected developments throughout the course of her life. She grows up as an unwanted foster care kid and learns to love and respect all animals while coping with low self-esteem and constant feelings of loneliness. But through the strength of her determination and compassion, Dani strives to make the best choices for herself and her two daughters, despite the numerous obstacles she encounters along the way.

With a tough attitude and independent spirit that leave her wanting nothing less than a reason for living, Dani becomes a veterinarian after graduating from vet school with support from

Роман 2012 года «Время ожидать чуда» писательницы Р. Энд Таин - это история о восходящей звезде в мире романтиков, чьи аккуратно написанные, милые романы заставляют читателя вздыхать над последними страницами. Идеальный роман для тех, кто любит Хайду Свейн, Филиппу Эшли и Сару Беннетт.


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Season Of Wonder (RaeAnne Thayne).

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