And The Heart Is Mine (Petrus Faller).

В комнате была полная темнота, на экране появился его образ. В этот момент у меня пропало ощущение пространства и времени. Мое тело словно пропустила сквозь себя молния. Все вокруг начало вибрировать словно в огне. Я перестал ощущать свое сердце, оно потерялось. Из ниоткуда в мое тело ворвалась бесконечная и вечная любовь, да, как будто во всю жизнь ко мне пришел водопад, которого я ждал бесконечно и отчаянно в течение жизни. Передо мной сидел Бог, Истина, безконечная любовь безотносительная, безграничная, которая всю жизнь была моим главным желанием. Пророченная фигура Богочеловечества. Сердце сразу это узнало. Это возможно? Здесь, в Фрейбурге? Сейчас? Это было невообразимо! Тот, что не имеет имени, стоял передо мной в человеческой форме и обличие. В тот момент я утонул в этой бесконечной любви, я больше не мог держать себя в руках, я не мог думать. Словно по моему телу пробегали молнии любви и каждый раз новая подтверждала, что Истина, Реальность приняла человеческий облик перед моими глазами.

The room was completely enveloped in darkness; his image appeared before my eyes on the luminous screen. At a moment when my sense of time and space had disappeared, I experienced a jolt of power and my physical body began to tremble, a vibration as deep as the fires of existence. My heart seemed to be shattered, and the sensations washed over me; an intense infinitude and an ineffable eternity filled my being. Infinite eternal love washed over my whole life as if coming from beyond, like a force wholly unknown pouring into me, into every fiber of my being, as though a vast waterfall had waited for many lifetimes to finally unravel. In the room stood God himself, manifested in the form of man, the unconditional and limitless love I had sought and longed for through endless journeys. This figure that embodied the Truth – this God-Man. Even then before me, my heart knew its fulfillment, just as it had told me for an eternity. Was this real? In Freiburg, at this time? It all seemed unreal, unimaginable. That most indescribable presence sat before me in the contours of our common mortal nature. Again and again this unimaginable love surged in me, driving me away from my own organization, from my self-will. I thought that I would disappear, gradually lost in this massive vortex of epic love. As though the moment was an ever-shifting stratum of divine light illuminating my arbitrary dual nature, revealing the real presence before my very eyes.

The room was darkened completely. His image appeared on the mirascope. At that instant, my sense of space and duration vanished. My body tingled as though hit by a bolt. Everything that had happened in that dark prayer room started to vibrate with a sort of a fire. Again I felt the shattering of my heart and its very loss. A sensation of infinite, eternal love came rushing, somehow higher, into me; not just into that one moment, but into all my lifetime, as though it was the sudden opening of an all-too-long-time-anticipated watergate. There he was before, incarnated God himself, the truth, the endless, unlimited, unconditional love I'd been PMG searching tirelessly and frenziedly in life oneafter another. The promised figure of God-man! My heart knew it immediatly. Could it were so? This happening right here, in Frei, now? Not describable! What has no names sat before me almost lifelike, almost in human shape. And that instantaneously I plunged into love, it could have been I couldn't grasp or control myself anymore, nor could I think. If there was lightning after lightning of love chased round my body, each with its flash confirming that truth/reality itself had taken a human form before my bare eyes.


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And The Heart Is Mine (Petrus Faller).

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