Children and Play. Understanding Children's Worlds (Peter Smith K.).

Книга "Дети и игра. Понимание мира детей" затрагивает вопрос о роли игры в развитии ребенка, который является предметом постоянного интереса и обсуждения. В книге авторитетный эксперт Питер Смит предлагает обширное определение термина "игра", взглянув на ее влияние на детей, а также на ее адаптивную ценность для птиц и млекопитающих, включая приматов. Используя как современные, так и классические исследования, Смит рассматривает, как различные возрастные группы и полы участвуют в широком спектре игр, включая упражнения и игры в драку, фантазийную игру и игры с вымышленными друзьями, а также игры с предметами. Книга оценивает функцию игры в раннем детском образовании и делает аргументы за и против перемены во время перемены на уроках в школе. Исследуется, как игра происходит в различных обществах и среди различных народов, включая детей с особыми потребностями. Благодаря обширному охвату теоретических, исторических, межкультурных и эволюционных перспектив, "Дети и игра" содержит значительные идеи для родителей, педагогов и клиницистов.

Written by Peter Smith, K., "Children and Play: Understanding Children’s Worlds" explores the role of child play in human, animal, and primate development. Smith defines play broadly to encompass professional research as well as peer-reviewed contributions. This study takes a deep look into the different kinds of play (physical and intellectual activities) that children of different ages and genders participate in. Tools of play include rough-and-tumble play, role-play, object play, and fantasy play about imaginary friends. Teachers and parents can benefit from Smith’s discussion of the advantages and drawbacks of allowing children to play during academic instruction time. Additionally, he notices how play (and lack thereof) varies between cultural groups and populations. Though presented from the perspective of developmental psychology, this study also reveals insights into animal play behaviour and cognition. To summarize, "Children and Play" fills in knowledge gaps for professionals who work with children by combining specialized content with historical and socio-cultural analyses.

Written by expert Peter Smith, this book explores the role of play in children's development and well-being. Smith proposes a new, inclusive definition of "play," explaining its crucial adaptive functions across a variety of species. He examines how and why children engage in exercise and wrestling, fantasy play, building with materials, and forming imaginary playmates; explores how these activities vary according to age and gender; and debates whether or not recess breaks are beneficial. Smith delves deeply into the themes of play among diverse social contexts, ranging from high-functioning typically-developed children to those with developmental difficulties. His discussion of cultural play in diverse societies offers valuable insights into children's lives around the globe, opening important conversations about age-old topics such as whether toys differ across cultures and how play differs based on class socialization. This comprehensive and firmly grounded work in theory and research will provide invaluable guidance to parents, educators and professionals alike.


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Children and Play. Understanding Children's Worlds (Peter Smith K.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Children and Play. Understanding Children's Worlds
  • Автор: Peter Smith K.
  • Категория: Общая психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781444310993