Healing Addiction (Peter Martin).

Healing Addiction: A Patient's Guide by Martin, Peter. This guide will help you better understand the possible reasons why your addictions caused harm to yourself or to others. What you will learn about is how addiction works on the neurological, biological, physiological, and psychological levels. We will introduce patients to the therapeutic techniques that have been proved to be effective in overcoming various addictions. This book is meant to serve as a self-help resource or as a learning tool for psychologists and psychiatrists who work with various issues relating to addiction.

The main purpose of this guidebook is to provide a basic understanding of addiction for individuals with problematic attitudes and behaviors. It contains: 1. A definition of addiction as a mental state and non-pathological condition; 2. An overview of addiction research into brain processes and genes; 3. Understanding the origin of addiction and the value of rehabilitation for both addicts and their loved ones; 4. Simple tips on avoiding relapse and cravings. 5. Many case stories from patients battling addiction

Эта книга представляет собой интегративное руководство по пониманию и лечению зависимости, содержащее полезные сведения и являющиеся примером глубокого изучения и анализа конкретных случаев применения, включая новейшую нейронауку, фармакологию, социальное понимание и психологическое исследование.


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Healing Addiction (Peter  Martin).

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