Enhancing me by Pete Moore, concerns the advancements modern technology offers itself. As Moore explains: "Science is becoming more and more capable of improving human beings. The rate of progress is unprecedented, and those interested in such matters are already concerned about possible catastrophic implications."

Moore delves into the extensive nature of tech enhancement, examining the nature of body, nervous system, thinking, prolonging life, mind transference, mental constructors, chip implantation, mood-altering implants, neuro-cybernetics, and much more.

This intriguing study caters to everyone from curious learners through skeptic researchers, telling tales about individuals who have undergone alterative changes as well the debate over the ethical feasibility of such processes.

About the author, Moore is certainly not your average science writer, having walked multiple au-tobiographies as to foster understandably among his intelligent audiences. Moore in a firm voice reveals the lengths he's willing to go to champion technologically enhanced life forms and avoid traditional secrecy from those less eager to bare their thoughts in front of the masses.


#научно-популярная литература

Enhancing Me (Pete  Moore).

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