Wolf Creek Homecoming (Penny Richards).

Книга «Wolf Creek Homecomings» автора Пенни Ричардс описывается как история о жизненных путях, ведущих к дому. К сожалению, мне не знаком термин «homecomings», поэтому я перефразирую:

Gabe Gentent had been seeking freedom and happiness until one incident brought him back home to Arkansas. Returning to Wolf Creek after some time abroad, Gabe has a clear goal: to achieve redemption and gain forgiveness for the mistakes he has made. Rachel Stone, however, has rejected Gabe at first sight ever since he disappeared from her life. As Rachel wonders how she could ever love him again following his past deeds, their once secret child appears on the scene. The two must now figure out a way to reach for happiness whilst the child's true parent is at risk.

ALL ROADS LEAD HOMEG Anthony Stone had always lived only for carefree enjoyment. This had cost him both his relationship with former girlfriend Stephanie and his friendship with younger brother Gabe. He was determined to start all over and go back to life in Wolf Creek, a small midwestern town that had been such an important part of his past.Gabe, meanwhile, sees this as his last attempt to get Stephanie back. Previously, there had been too much hardship and tragedy, but he has still longed to go back and try again. Still, their relationship remains strained after he experiences an emotional breakdown following an affair with Angela Stonegrover, Stephanie's incarcerated sister, while hosting a party to cheer her up. As Gabe feels himself slipping deeper into misery, chance brings him face-to-face with Rachel Stone, the woman he loved and the mother of his child he never saw again.Rachel hadn't realized how much she'd missed Gabe until that fateful encounter. Still bitter over their painful break-up, she realizes how wrong she'd been to turn away those memories. For years after his sudden departure, especially since becoming involved with traumatized Gabe's childhood friend Lacey Johnson, she'd remained convinced that they were best off apart. Things between them might never have worked, but it couldn't hurt to give it another try.Caught off guard by Gabe'sprofoundly changed personality and the warmth of rekindled feelings Rachel began to develop, an unlikely romance blossomed. She cares about him again and, deep down, deems it possible that love truly can survive so much hurt.After a nearly fatal car accident, however, reality sets in for both of them. Although their feelings have gotten rejuvenated, they still face the future without tenability or promise. What do they do with these newfound attractions? What risks will they take in the aftermath of their previous torments?


#исторические любовные романы

#современные религиозные течения

Wolf Creek Homecoming (Penny Richards).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Wolf Creek Homecoming
  • Автор: Penny Richards
  • Категория: Исторические любовные романы
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Из Серий: Mills & Boon Love Inspired Historical
  • Паблишер: HarperCollins
  • ISBN: 9781472072894