Taken Over (Пенни Джордан).

"Taken Over" - это книга Пенни Джордан, одного из самых известных авторов издательства Mills & Boon. Эта книга рассказывает историю Касси, основательницы компании по созданию компьютерных игр в Лондоне, которую она унаследовала от своего отца. Между ней и ее конкурентом Джоэлем Ховардом начинается борьба за приобретение компании. Несмотря на свою неприязнь к Джоэлю, Касси принимает его предложение выйти за него замуж, чтобы спасти свою компанию от поглощения. Но в браке она обнаруживает, что Джоэль не такой, каким казался на первый взгляд, и она начинает испытывать к нему нечто большее, чем просто бизнес-отношения.

Taken Over by Penny Jordan When you haven't read this, then here's a copy/paste job to give you an idea:

Penny Jordan, again, needs no introduction; she is easily one of the best – if not THE best – writers from Mills & Boon and our celebrations of her magic and entertaining stories are often well-thumbed, gospel reads. This one, like many others, for the first in ebook format, is always available now.Again there's no lack of direction and, well, adventure when it comes to Cassie's main storyline. Her romance has liquid lips, but no heart and it's mercilessly exposed in Taken Over. Like they always do in Mills & Boon, their plotlines and wit is just addictive and this title is far from an exception.Joel Howard could be the weirdest man on the planet, or he could simply be incredibly wealthy and out to ingratiate himself with the new owner of London's new gaming cycle developer. He determines to marry Cassie Morgan, because then he'll understand her allegiance more easily. And really, this strategy is simple enough to work: Mr Howard might be well respected in the world he inhabits, but sadly Cassie sees right through him and knows that whole 'buying loyalty' thing goes nowhere.As an aspiring entrepreneur, Cassie is massively affected by his proposition, not least because of the potential that the merger sensationally brings with it. Her bad timing takes its toll on him though, as Joel struggles with his growing attraction and to what his intentions are with respect to her as a future wife.Part of Cassie' winning portrait is that you can feel these flirtatious, but ultimately sincere arguments playing out. Of course, you do occasionally wish that her hilarious Pineapple Princess alter ego would put her tongue firmly in someone else's mouth, but oh well. As legend insists, you soon realise quite why she doesn't.


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Taken Over (Пенни Джордан).

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