Capable Of Feeling (Пенни Джордан).

Пенни Джордан не нуждается в представлении - она по праву считается одним из самых узнаваемых авторов, пишущих для издательства Mills & Boon. Мы отмечаем ее замечательное творчество специальной подборкой книг, многие из которых впервые выходят в электронном формате и доступны уже сейчас.

"Мне нужна жена, Софи, но не для того, чтобы делить с ней постель". Для Софи Марли, считавшей себя фригидной, это казалось идеальным предложением. Ее добрый и понимающий начальник Джонатан Филлипс предлагал Софи брак по расчету. Ему была нужна помощь в уходе за племянницей и племянником, а Софи уже любила этих детей как родных. Ее чувства к Джону были не так однозначны. Живя под одной крышей, Софи все больше осознавала, что ее муж нравится ей, и она испытывает растущее желание сделать их брак настоящим во всех смыслах этого слова.

Penny Jordan's Capable of Feeling is aimed squarely at those who enjoy Penelope (and that group includes me), warm romances which are tender, emotional and realistic. Named one of the best romantic series ever by ABC’s I Love Romance magazines, this intimate love saga will leave your heart melting.You are introduced to Sophy Marley and Jonathan Phillips. Sophy is a modest young woman who has PTSD from her childhood. She lives in Scotland and has worked as receptionist on the scathing Jonathan Philips' monthly voicemail tapes Sonali (who handles his voicemails) informs you that Jonathan, in his late 30s, who has travelled, works in intelligence and takes up far too much free time playing basketball, has depressed Sophy and he nurses a mysterious attractive neighbour called Rachel. He holds no memory of his past or where he came from.Jonathan's reluctance to share who he really is, hospitality and extremely sunny personality convinces Sophy to approach him for a selfish and cynical reason.She is ashamed about her sexual inexperience, failure to impress men, but Jonathan promises to be good to her, shares his bed and of course her recent concoction entails mommying for the kids and maybe sleeping with him "only occasionally". Jonathan believes that he can love her after all and cure the frigidity.But Jonathan and Sophy's inexperience and desire for companionship intertwine and unite them as they navigate complicated love, Herself and let its obstacles get in the way of their happiness.The novel offers a meticulous portrait of a fragile soul, showcasing the variety of power dynamics and couples' expectations, tempered with melodrama and the occasional laugh.An ideal balance of funny and beautiful in an emotional tale which explores détente between genuine desire and a thrill - seeking wish.


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Capable Of Feeling (Пенни Джордан).

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