Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations (Pagliaro Louis A.).

Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations - это справочник, посвященный проблеме наркомании и потребления вредных веществ среди детей и подростков. В нем рассматриваются фармакологические, развивающиеся и клинические аспекты этой проблемы. Книга была отмечена журналом "Choice" в 2013 году как выдающееся академическое издание.

The Handbook of Child&Adolescent Drug and Substance abuse (1st Edition) Through a multidisciplinary approach based on the latest developments in the world, it endeavors to offer an unique synthesized perspective on every facet of child and adolescent substance abuse, from pharmacological, developmental, to clinical perspectives. This edition helps readers update their current knowledge on the subject under review, and more importantly, learn the differences between closely related terms such as drugs and substances, guides toward the treatment of comorbid disorders and incorporates Controversies about cost-effectiveness and quality of life judgments about drug and substance usage that are amongst the most controversial issues explored in contemporary child and adolescence care literature to ameliorate outcomes for children and adolescents and improve global wellbeing and address legislative and policy changes for addressing these issues."

Авторы: Mimi Cheng; Franco P. Rutel


#общая психология

Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations (Pagliaro Louis A.).

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Информация о книге

  • Рейтинг Книги:
  • Название книги: Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse. Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations
  • Автор: Pagliaro Louis A.
  • Категория: Общая психология
  • Тип: Электронная книга
  • Опубликовано: 2023 Sep 18, 21:09
  • Язык: English
  • Паблишер: John Wiley & Sons Limited
  • ISBN: 9781118117941